Game Instructions

Mafia XVIII - Lost in Translation

Greetings, residents of the first ever Japantown, America.  I, Ayaka Takara (Iluvhorses),  am a translator and reporter for the Japa Nyusu, along with Shiori Takara (Ice_Fire).  We work together to bring you the news in a clear and timely fashion.

Because this town is so new, there are many English-speaking visitors, so the news we print will be in both languages so all understand.  However, since Shiori and I are fresh out of college, our translation skills aren't that well developed.  We hope you'll bare with us.

We've recently had an interview with the Mayor.  He has received threats from people in the neighboring Chinatowns who do not want Japantown to be a success.  They've told him to shut down, or they will take deadly action. Here's how the interveiw went:
Shiori Takara: Mayor Arata Ryouta-Sama, thank you for being able to speak with us here today.
Arata Ryouta: You' Re-welcome and Shiori-Chan. It' s my joy.

ST: So what do you make of these threats?
AR: They are worried about me.
ST: Will you give into them?
AR: No. Never.
ST: How did you first react to these threats?
AR: The honest place, I so someone me wasn' You expected that it confronts me who have begun Japantown; Threat started first when, it surprised t. But rather than those continuing to come, frequently, I am conscious and the time these people being serious - these threats were serious.
ST: Are you scared?
AR: Naturally I' Having m where you have obtained. Everyone's wouldn' ?; Could t to have?
ST: Good point. Mr. Mayor, do you have anything you'd like to say to these terrorists that threaten Japantown?
AR: As for me thing those don' We would like to call to those; You must request t at that kind of extreme threat, - it can coexist the society our 2. But if they act with their threats, I intend in order to resist sufficiently.
ST: Two societies? Japantown and... Who do you believe the terrorists to be?
AR: Chinatown. As for those it confronted me who have begun Japantown from beginning. But I ignored those, opened that in any case.
ST: You mentioned you're willing to fight back if necessary. What means of action do you have in mind?
AR: As for me way Intel while safety of my people is guaranteed simultaneously, obtaining and/or removal of threat is helped, how many…The special force you established.
ST: Is there anything that we could all do as Citizens to help the situation?
AR: I possess the reason where it believes that it is the times when the craftsman of Chinatown in Japantown thing hides here. Perhaps three. The people whom it does authority, to should report strange activity to those which is yourself it can or the thing of police one.
ST: In the public's eye, do you have a plan to get these Chinatown terrorists out of Japantown?
AR: It is. In addition as for me in order to try the fact that those are removed with setup of the poll system, it plans. Everyday the village people of Japantown vote approximately doubting because someone's. The person whom many poll drops tries at the court, is a falsehood or a crime it proved. When there is a crime, they are imprisoned.
ST: and the innocent?
AR: If the innocent person is guaranteed, safety and, those may return to starting point.
ST: Can they vote again if they're innocent and voted for by the majority?
AR: there' If just; Tie of s poll.

Mayor Arata Ryouta-Sama, thank you for your time. I really hope all this works out for Japantown. Ayaka-oneechan, over to you.

We will do our best to bring you more news on this as we have it.  And please, be careful where you go and who you talk to.  There may be spies in our midst.

~Ayaka Takara and Shiori Takara of Japa Nyūsu
The Mafia game is divided into two time periods, night, and day.

Day - In the day, everybody votes for one person to be arrested in hopes of capturing the Mafia. Beware, however, if you anger the Mafia, they may come to get you!
If you arrest the wrong person, you could very well be hurting yourself, and the others in the Village. If you are a Mafia, you may not tell your role. If you are anybody else, you may tell your role at your  own risk, but if you have a good special role, you will be a prime target for the Mafia. When you have made your final vote, you say their name in BOLD CAPS so I know you are voting for that person instead  of just saying their name. You may not take back a vote. Whoever is voted out will be out of the game with one exception. The Day period lasts 48 hours. If all the votes haven't been collected during that time, whoever has the most votes will be cast off. If there is a tie, those who have been cast off will have a chance to vote. When there is a tie, it is only the first outcast who votes that breaks the tie. A still-in player may NOT break the tie, because they were too lazy to vote. An outcast must vote within 24 hours, or neither person in question of vote will be banished.

Night - This is where the game gets interesting. In this period, the Mafia, Doctor, Detective and Lawyer do their work. Each one must Private Message me what they are going to do. Their roles will be explained later. During this period you may talk. The Night period lasts 24 hours, regardless if the Spacial Role people have made their choices or not. If choices haven't been made and sent, then that person will lose their chance to act that night, without question.
Mafia - You three are just evil!
The Mafia are out to be mean to the village. During the Night period, the Mafia have to unanimously decide who to kill. They must PM each other and decide BEFORE Private Messaging me. Whoever they decide to kill will be out of the game, permanently. If they do not Private Message me in the time limit, they will lose their chance to kill somebody. They also have the option to not kill anybody. When the Mafia have make their final choice they must Private Message me with that choice in BOLD CAPS.

Detective - I can has super awesome ninja detective skills, please okay, thanks?
The Detective has been assigned the mission of discovering the Mafia, and assist the Citizens with this knowledge. During the Night period, they may choose one person to spy on in hopes to discover their true identity; their role. If they discover the Mafia, they can tell the Citizens, but not in such a way that he or she would blow cover. If they do, then the Detective will most likely become a target for the Mafia. When the Detective has chosen whom they will spy on, Private Message me the user's name in BOLD CAPS.

Doctor - No, not Doctor Who. He, I mean, She, is a Translator this time.
The Doctor is working night shifts to try and protect the lives of innocents. During the Night period, the Doctor can choose one person to protect from the Mafia. During the Day period, it would be best for the Doctor to be mindful of everybody; so he or she doesn't accidentally protect the Mafia! The Doctor may protect themselves from being killed. When he or she has chosen who they will protect, Private Message me the user's name in BOLD CAPS.

Lawyer - No no no! I don't want that party to win the election- I mean, that person to be banished! Oh- PHEW!
The Lawyer is a REAL politician. During the night period, he/she may choose one person to protect from being voted out during the following day. So, for example, if the majority of the vote, goes to English to be voted off, and the Lawyer, the night before chose to defend English, English would be saved from Banishment. Once the Lawyer has decided who they will protect, Private Message me the User's name in BOLD CAPS.

Citizens - Sorry, you're normal. Poor you!
The Citizens make up most of the game. They do not have a special role, but without them who would vote, be killed or make up a fair portion of the game? They can only Vote during the day, and can talk during the night.

Translators - Er- can you repeat that?
Ice_Fire and Iluvhorses am are the Translators; and we are in charge of the game, but only for a single round. The title will be passed after this game is over to a new person. Whoever is next in the Mafia-storytellers-list at the end of this round will have the title next. But only if they can carry out the responsibility of getting on nearly every day. This is a tedious job, so if you are unable to keep up with the responsibility, even if it seems like great fun, please pass. If you really want to be the Translator/Storyteller, but can only get on a few times a week, you can find someone to help manage the role of Translator/Storyteller as your assistant; they can post in your place if you are gone for too long.
In the Village this round, there will be a maximum of fifteen people. No extra signup period, you miss it, you miss it. Out of those fifteen people to start with, there will be three Mafia, two doctors, one detective, one lawyer and the rest are Citizens. You have to post on the thread here saying that you want to play for us to add you to the player list.

Sometimes there are occasions where the out-cast Citizens do not respond to a tie. (They will be given twenty four hours to break the tie) In this instance, neither party will be voted out and we will continue to the next time period.

When the game begins, those that get special roles will be Private Messaged by either Iluvhorses or Ice_Fire, assigning them their role. If, by the time we announce the game has started, you have not received a PM you are a regular Citizen.

ALL PLAYERS, including those with special roles can vote. If you have a special role and don't vote, people might get suspicious of you. You should actively try and keep up with the game, as this makes it more enjoyable for everyone. If you are going away for a couple of days, please post on the game thread and PM both Iluvhorses and Ice_Fire to notify us. (If you are absent, you can still be killed/banished, so be warned.)
If you have any further questions you can ask Ice_Fire and Iluvhorses though PM, and if there are questions that would be good for here, then we'll add them.


About This Blog

This blog is for mafia, my translation Ice_Fire, Iluvhorses is used in the near future will run sometime lost. It should be a short round, it would be fun! We thank you all!

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